
Will I be able to conceive in future?

Dr B Shakuntala Baliga MD (AIIMS), FICOG
Professor and Senior Consultant Gynecologist & Colposcopist
Mazumdar-Shaw Center for Cancer Research & Narayana Hrudayalaya Multispecialty Hospital, Bangalore

Q: I am 24 years old and had menses, which were delayed by 10 days twice. I had an ultrasound done and it revealed marginally enlarged left ovary (9 cc), normal right ovary and small microfollicles. It is indeed minimal polycystic picture. My weight is almost normal with a BMI of 23.5. All my hormones except prolactin were normal - LH-7.5mIU/mL, FSH-4.89, Testosterone - 0.49,E2-24.57pG/ml, Prolactin -33.04ng/ml, TSH-3.53IU/mL, DHEA-8.5ng/ml. My problem is that I plan to marry at about 29 years of age and I am worried about not being able to conceive then. Please tell what are the chances of my conceiving successfully? I agree that I have polycystic ovaries but my hormone levels are normal so is it really PCOD?

A:It is very difficult to give you an idea of your fertility chances 5 years later. Also, I presume these hormones tests were done on Day 2 or 3 of your cycle and prolactin was done early morning before any exercise- otherwise values can be erroneous. If these tests were done correctly, the LH is more than FSH, though not double. You must consult an experienced gynaecologist for complete evaluation- rather than take advice through e-mails. She may suggest a drug to lower the prolactin levels, and that may just solve your long cycles now. I would also suggest a fasting blood sugar and fasting serum / plasma insulin for you to make sure there is no insulin resistance. If these tests are also normal, then taking low dose combined OCPs will help to keep your cycles regular. But remember, all these drugs should be taken after examination and under supervision of a gynaecologist as the dosage/ drug may need to be altered from time to time.