
Will high sugar levels lead to problems in delivery?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: I am 33 years old and running the 8th month of my first pregnancy. I took the blood sugar test as advised by the doctor. My reading is 153 and, whereas the normal level is 140. The test was taken after the intake of 50 g of glucose. I have a family history of diabetes. Will this affect the growth of child or any other thing related to my pregnancy? I am short in height and bulky in weight. The urine test shows some pus cells, though I do not feel any burning or itching sensation around or inside my vagina. I am worried, please guide me.

A:With your being so close to delivery, it is very important that your sugar stays under good control. At your levels you do not need insulin, but very tight diet control is mandatory. High sugar can cause some problems in the baby. Some babies become very big and hard to deliver vaginally. So please see your doctor soon to get suggestions on a low carbohydrate, low sugar diet.