
Will diabetes affect my sexual life?

Prof Dinesh Dhanwal
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi

Q: I am a 30 yrs old unmarried male. Recently I was diagnosed to be having diabetes type II. My parents are both diabetics. My query to you is can I marry and have normal sexual life with my partner? What are the chances of my children developing diabetes? I am the only son of my parents and they are eager that I get married.

A:Type 2 diabetes is more common in persons with family history of the disease. So its not surprising that you got it. Similarly your children will be at risk. How much? Cant be predicted. There is no reason why you should not marry. Your sexual life will be normal but if your blood sugars are not controlled then you might have sexual problem after many years of poor control. Your life with diabetes depends on how you and your physician manage it. Most important, go for good blood sugar control from the beginning with regular monitoring and regular follow up with your diabetologist for screening of complications.