
Will a high protein diet help me in bodybuilding?

Q: I am a natural bodybuilder and I happened to hear a lot about the anabolic effects of high protein diet in which one consumes more than 50 per cent of protein than carbohydrates. Will the improved version of Atkins diet do any good to my body? I have tried the other diet in which one eats 60% carbohydrates, 30% protein and 10% fat. Though I have put on a lot of size and my power has increased but my body fat is also invcreasing. According to my instructor, my body cannot handle too much of carbohydrates. What should I do to maintain size and power and yet cut down my bodyfat? Will a high protein diet work?

A:A high protein diet is surely going to work in your case. Fat percentage in your diet is perfectly okay but you need to increase your protein intake from 30% to 40% and decrease your carbohydrate intake from 60% to 50%. Although half the percentage of your diet should be made by carbohydates I would advise you to carefully chose them, for the sources of carbohydrates that are most common these days are pizzas, burgers, noodles etc. which are highly fattening. Choose fibrous foods like whole grains, pulses, green vegetables and fruits with peel to maintain a clean system and stay healthy. Limit the intake of refined cereals like white flour (maida), semolina (suji) and white polished rice. Also ensure an intake of atleast 14 glasses of plain water besides other liquids to flush out toxins of your body. Limit your intake of sugar and sweet dishes, candies, colas, chocolates etc. as these are fattening too.