Why isn't my son responding to our questions?
Advisor on Child Development & Education,
Q: My son is 6 years old. His activites were normal up to the age of 3. But when he joined school at the age of 3+, his activities became somewhat different from students of his age. If we ask him any question, he ignores it or gives the same answer to us. For example if we ask him what is your name, he also asks us what is your name? He is not interested in studies and writing. He does not write at all. He remembers every thing. But tells only when he likes. His other activities are normal. We have shown him to a child specialist. But he says that there is no problem.
A:Your son sounds quite normal to me. All children are different from each other and the fact that he is different from others should not be a major cause for worry.Sometimes we ask children questions to test them. They know that you know the answer. Try talking to your child like a friend and ask him for information that he can genuinely give you. For example, when you ask him What is your name? he knows that you already know the answer to that and his response may just be an indication that he knows you are training or testing him. On the other hand, if you had misplaced your spectacles and asked him, Did you see my spectacles? his answer could be a genuine one, not a repeat of your question.Some Nursery schools force children to read and write too early. While some children learn to do what is required in school, others protest in their own way. Find out what his teachers think and suggest to you. Try giving him lots of paper and crayons and see if he uses them to draw.Once he gets interested, you could write down the first letter of his name or even his full name at the bottom of the picture. Ask him to write his own name on the next picture. Leaving little letters for him in the house, with a small task to be done by your son, in each note could be one way of getting him interested to read and write. You have to see what fits the situation best. You could also include suitable music in the childs daily schedule. Since you have consulted a Specialist two years ago, you could go back to the same person, if he is in your town or city, and ask him for an opinion and some suggestions on how to encourage your son to take an interest in school subjects. All the best.