
Why is there sugar in urine when my blood report is fine?

Dr Surender Kumar
Department of Endocrinology & Metabolism,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am facing a problem wherein there is sugar seen in the urine but the blood sugar report is fine. I have also lost weight - I am 63 kg in weight and 40 years old. I feel depressed so the doctor suggested Stablon, Trika and asked me to continue this for six months and then reduce the dosage. How safe and wise is it to take this medicine and what are the side effects? Is there any problem if I stop this medicine? What are the other ways to stop this medicine?

A:Passing sugar in urine when blood sugar is normal if checked on 2-3 occasions, then don't worry; it is called renal glycosuria, it does not require any treatment. It is inborn defect and your kidney is not able to absorb back the sugar which it is filtering out. It is simply loss of energy; you may eat more to compensate the loss of calories. You are normal don't take any drugs for this, be tension free and eat well.