
Why is my wife not conceiving?

Dr Abha Majumdar
Head, Centre of IVF & Human Reproduction,
Dept of Obstetrics and Gynaecology,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 26 years old wife has high levels of LH hormones because of which the egg does not develop fully. Even after taking injections for the same, the egg gets ruptured. We had IUI but with no success. We then went for HSG with Endo Biopsy. Tubes are normal as they spill under pressure. However, the PCR test in endometrial biopsy gave positive results for Mycobacterium bacillus. The doctor has now prescribed anti tuberculosis drugs for a month. My wife’s periods are irregular. What should we do? Why is my wife not conceiving? To add, my wife had high TSH levels, which came to normal two years back with medication – one tablet Ultroxin daily.

A:If the tubes are normal and patent, she does not need medicines for TB because the test TB PCR has a high false positive rate. The real problem which is apparent from your mail is ovulatory dysfunction. You must go for good ovulation induction after suppressing the LH and in 3-6 cycles of ovulation coupled with IUI, your wife should get pregnant.