
Why is my son suffering from loose motions with vomiting?

Dr Neelam Mohan
Consultant Paediatric Gastroenterologist,
Medanta Institute of Liver Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine

Q: My 16 years old son was suffering from high fever. We consulted the doctor who gave Paracetamol, Amoxycillin and B complex tablet and advised to undergo blood tests like TLC, DLC, widal test, platelets, Hb, etc. Fever did not come down even on the second day. Now fever is under control, but he is having loose motions for the last couple of days followed with vomiting. We are giving ORS and juices. He is unable to take any food. After eating food he feels like vomiting. Why is my son suffering from loose motions with vomiting?

A:Well he has acute gastroenteritis please give him ORS solution, after each loose stool. Tablet Z and D (20mg) once a day for 2 weeks, tablet Emset (4mg) thrice a day till vomit settles. Observe if he does not settle within a couple of days, he might need Oflox 200 mg twice a day for 5 days.