Why is my son becoming naughty at school?
Advisor on Child Development & Education,
Q: This is about my 7.5 years old son. I am getting regular complaints from school about his behaviour, although he is very good in studies. He is interrupting a lot in class & speaks loudly, which is disturbing the class. I tried speaking to him but he is saying that he does not do it purposely and forgets that he shouldn't behave in this manner. Please help me what I should do and tackle the situation? Earlier, there was no complaint about his studies but lately he is getting slow in that too.
A:Perhaps you are giving in to everything your son wishes, as he is your only child. He may have got used to being the centre of every one's attention. Get him to join a play group or club where he will play with other children. Playmates are good at putting things in perspective. He will not be allowed to dominate.Talk to him about school and find out what is going on in his head. Help him to solve his problems. Buy him lots of storybooks so that he learns about different ways of living. Children learn about life from the stories they read.