
Why is my skin becoming dark in colour?

Prof Jayakar Thomas
Senior Consultant Dermatologist,
Kanchi Kamakoti Child Trust Hospital,

Q: My skin is becoming dark on some parts of my face, especially around the lips and chin. What is the reason? How to get rid of it? Also, my face colour is darker than my body colour. How can I get back my colour?

A:Your description is so well given. The whole phenomenon appears to be due to exposure to sunlight. Please use a good sunscreen lotion / cream. Kindly remember that all sunscreens should be re-applied once in 3-4 hours. You may have to take oral hydoxychloroquine sulphate, under a doctor's supervision. De-pigmenting agents such as hydroquinone (2%-5%) will also help. There is a special combination called Kligman's formula, again to be used under a dermatologist's supervision.