
Why is my pregnant wife experiencing from yellowish discharge?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: My 29 years old wife is into her eleventh week of pregnancy. She is suffering from some yellowish fishy odour discharge from vagina. We consulted a doctor who suggested Ceftum 500 twice a day, Flazyl 200 thrice a day and Azithral 500 once a day for 5 days. But still now she is discharging the same but the fishy odour is mild. Urine culture report is normal. Why is she suffering from yellowish discharge? She has protein deficiency. Now she is taking Beparin 25000 IU (1 ml per day) and Ovidac 5000 IU twice in a week. A recent scan report showed gravid uterus reveals a well-formed gestational sac and good decidual echoes. A live embrayo and yolk sac are seen. Embroyonic cardiac pulsation is present. No evidence of perigestational bleed is seen. Please guide.

A:She may be suffering bacterial infection or trichomonas with associated infection or mixed infection - she will need to have a high vaginal or cervical swab and treatment accordingly. Also if it is recurrent she will need to have diabetes ruled out as well. Associated urinary infection too will need to be ruled out with a urine test and culture - and treatment accordingly. Follow up for repeat infection and would be as per the antenatal schedule.