Why is my pre-adolescent daughter so moody?
Advisor on Child Development & Education,
Q: My daughter who is 11 years old is of late having problems like she gets angry very fast, gets irritated on small things and cries for silly things. She is very good at her studies but has not been getting good marks. When asked she says she studies and remembers things but when she reaches the school she becomes blank and panics. Please advise what to do? Her periods have also started but they are not regular.
A:First you should stop panicking. Your daughter is in the stage of early adolescence and she is likely to be moody. She is also likely to have ups and downs and mood swings. Instead of putting all the stress on academic performance, focus on keeping her relaxed and happy. Talk to her and spend time listening to her. Reduce her anxiety, by assuring that marks in tests are not the most important thing in the world. Share your problems with close friends and family. You will realise that you are not the first person to have an 11-year-old daughter.