
Why is my niece vomiting out milk?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My niece is 27 days old. She weighed 2.5 kgs at birth and was delivered through a caesarian operation. During the time of birth my sister was having a mild urinary infection and apparently the kid also had a mild infection. The kid was administered some antibiotics and discharged after 3 days. After 15 days, she has been vomiting milk that she drinks occasionally. The kid is totally on breast milk. When this condition persisted, even though occasionally, the doctor advised to carry out a Routine Stool test and it was found that there were reducing substances 0.5%, acteris - seen (+), mucus - seen (+). Other factors were normal. On seeing this report the doctor advised that the kid has a slight allergy to breast milk. However he has asked us to continue feeding the breast milk. The kid now weighs 3.2 kgs and has put on 800 gms since birth (27 days). We are slightly worried about the kids condition. My sister is equally disturbed. Kindly let me have your expert opinion on my niece.

A:Bringing out milk in not uncommon in new born babies for first few months of life. If the baby is comfortable and gaining weight as this baby is, don't worry, it will settle down with time. Burp the baby properly and keep the baby with head end slightly raised and on right side while sleeping.The stool report on exclusive breast fed babies is acceptable. I would not do any thing especially as the baby looks good and is gaining weight adequately; just relax, continue to breast feed and monitor the baby's growth.