
Why is my newborn not sleeping?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: Is it that she is awake, sleeps less and other wise looks fine OR she is very irritable when she is awake. Is she more comfortable on upright posture and has discomfort when lying flat on the bed. Does she regurgitate a lot of milk? Does she have nose block. ? How is her weight gain? I think these are some of the common causes if baby can't sleep comfortably. You need to see your paediatrician to make sure she is otherwise healthy.

A:Is it that she is awake, sleep less and other wise looks fine OR she is veryirritable when she is awake. Is she more comfortable on upright posture andhas discomfort when lying flat on the bed. Does she regurgitate a lot ofmilk? Does she have nose block. How is her weight gain? I think these aresome of the common causes if baby can't sleep comfortably. You need to seeyour paediatrician to make sure she is otherwise healthy.