
Why is my leg hurting on exercising?

Ms Neeta Garg
Counsellor, Psychotherapist & Wellness expert,

Q: I started working out recently and lately I have noticed that my left leg has this irritating pain. Sometimes, it shoots from the front of my shin into my foot. Also, within the last few days, my knee has started to hurt. I haven't had any falls, so I cant imagine why I am experiencing this pain. The only thing I really do at the gym is run on the treadmill. Is this something that I should be concerned about? Can you offer any suggestions as to how I can stop the pain?

A:I wonder if you are warming up and stretching your muscles before and after your workout. Also you must gradually get into your activity so that the body gets accustomed to it, rather than rush into your walk/run. This refers to every time you get on as well as gently increasing the pace over weeks. Stretching before your workout, prepares the body and stretching after your workout helps get rid of the toxin build up. You might also like to walk instead of pound if it hurts you too much. After all this, if you do not find a change, please see a doctor, within 2-4 days.