
Why is my friend suffering from a running nose?

Dr Ajit Man Singh
Senior Consultant ENT & Head and Neck Surgery,
Max Healthcare,
New Delhi

Q: My 24 years old friend has a problem of running nose. It increases in winters and during cold weather. He had taken medicines but the problem persists. Now, he is in depression and he is not able to mix up with friends because of this problem. Why is he suffering from a running nose? He has been looking for a treatment for the last few years but could not find a better option. Please suggest.

A:Your friend seems to have allergic rhinitis / sinusitis. He needs to be seen by an ENT specialist, possibly a CT scan of the sinuses done, and treated with antihistaminics / antileukotriens / local steroid nasal sprays. There is no need to go into depression. If not total cure, at least there is control.