
Why is my father's blood pressure fluctuating?

Dr OP Yadava
CEO & Chief Cardiac Surgeon,
National Heart Institute,
New Delhi

Q: My 57 years old father is diabetic and have high blood pressure (BP). He also had angiography done last year. For the last 2 days his blood pressure has been fluctuating because of some tension in office. Sometimes it goes very high (147/87 mmHg) and sometimes it drops very low. He is feeling weak. Is this abnormal change in BP a cause for concern? Is it related to the angiography done last year?

A:Blood pressure can fluctuate because of stress, tension and emotional upsets. However, the blood pressure should go up only for a short period of time during the actual phase of emotion or tension but should revert back to within normal range in a reasonable time. If the blood pressure remains constantly high, then it would obviously call for stepped up medication or some form of alternative medicines for its control. Angiography done last year has absolutely no relation to the raised blood pressure. I think you should contact your physician or cardiologist for specific answers, as without access to a patient, it is not possible for us to give or prescribe medicines.