Why is my father becoming more aggressive in old age?
Q: My 70-year-old father is increasingly becoming short tempered. He has always been a very strong minded man. He is used to doing things his own way and of his own choosing. Simple tasks have been overcomplicated by his pickiness and determination to do things in his own manner. However, recently he has become increasingly violent in the manner, in which he speaks to people. He has pictured thoughts of things for each situation in the past, present or future in his mind. Any word against his thoughts or imagination causes him to start shouting and arguing. Is this a medical disorder related to old age?
A:In old age the brain undergoes anatomical and physiological changes which may exaggerate personality traits or make the brain prone to some behavioural disorders.Moreover changes in blood vessels of the brain can cause minute lesions in the brain (especially if he has diabetes mellitus and hypertension), which again can cause this kind of personality change. You should take your father for a detailed medical check up to find out what can be done.