
Why is my eye bleeding?

Dr Amit Khosla
Consultant Ophthalmologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I am 28 years old. I was getting floaters in my right eye for a long time, but they were small in number. Suddenly one day lots of blood came out of my right eye and I suffered 60% loss of vision. I rushed the hospital, where doctors diagnosed the problem as vitreous haemorrhage with proliferative retinopathy. One laser was performed at that time and the second one after a month when blood appeared again. After the second laser operation I was able to see objects but not clearly and little tilted. It feel as if I have a thin cloud in front of my eye. I have undergone 4-5 lasers till now. But my right eye is not cured completely. I have black floaters (blood) in front of my eye and I see double images. There was some distortion in my right eye after the second laser was performed. Can I regain my vision completely? I have sinus problem, due to which I have cold throughout the year. I don't have blood pressure or diabetes. What is the cause for this? Is the disease curable? Where is proper treatment for this available in India?

A:You are suffering from closure of blood vessels in your eye, as a result new vessels have formed which are friable and they bleed. After a single episode of bleeding, the blood takes 3-6 months to absorb or surgery is required. The aim of laser is to reduce further bleeding not to absorb blood. You need to be on regular follow with a retina specialist.