
Why is my daughter shy and poor in studies?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: I am 39 years old, father of two daughters - 10 years and 8 years old. My younger daughter is very calm and shy by nature. She does not come forward to talk and never reads aloud. She is also very slow in writing and shows interest in drawing sketches and colours. I am worried about her studies and poor performance. Kindly give your valuable guidance.

A:Why is there so much stress on school performance? Your second daughter is 8 years old. Treat her gently and let her draw pictures and do her art work. If she is quiet by temperament, why not respect that and treat her, as she would like? She will gradually develop self-confidence, if she is not compared to her sister or others and is allowed to grow.