
Why is my daughter getting pain in calf muscles?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My nine years old daughter has been complaining of pain in calf muscles and headache since a week. We took her to a doctor who performed some test for urine and CBC. The results are as follow: Pus Cells: 2-3 RBC: 9-10 Albumin: positive Blood lymphocytes have come out high. The doctor has advised us to give her only vegetables and fruits until the completion of medication and asked us not to give her chicken, mutton and fish. He has prescribed antibiotics for five days. Is there is any thing to be worried?

A:It could have been a viral infection with myositis, which can give rise to muscular aches mainly calf muscles. If we were to do CPK level in the blood it would be high. It is a self-limiting condition over a period of a week and does not need any antibiotics. If the pain is unbearable you may use some pain relieving medicine.