
Why is my daughter becoming adamant?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My seven years old daughter is an adopted child. She is now becoming adamant day by day, not listening to her mother and not obeying anyone in the house. Reacting very late to things once told. She is good in her studies. Why is my daughter becoming adamant?

A:It is possible that your daughter found out from someone else that she was adopted, if you had not already told her. Nothing happens without a cause. You will have to be patient in talking to her and finding out why she is unhappy. The reason could also be an episode in her class or with her friends. Check with her teachers if she has shown any different behaviour. Get their help, if they are sympathetic. All of this can be taken care of by you. Assure her of your love and make her feel secure.