
Why is my child not swallowing his food?

Dr Vidya Gupta
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My son is one year old. From the past one month whenever we try and feed him, he opens his mouth but does not swallow the food. He keeps it inside his mouth for a long time and then spits it out. I have been trying to change his diet every day with different kinds of vegetables but he refuses to take the meal. Before this he was healthy but now he has gone weak. How can I improve his health?

A:Your child must be drinking milk in addition to the weaning foods. It is extremely unlikely that the baby has actually lost weight. Try different foods and different textures and I am sure your baby will start eating. Sometimes if the baby is teething it hurts while chewing and therefore the baby may keep food in the mouth.