
Why is my child having mini pass out spells followed by vomiting?

Dr Anju Seth
Professor of Pediatrics,
LHMC, New Delhi

Q: My 8 years old daughter has mini pass out spells and usually throws up afterwards. She looks pale when she is going through one of these spells. I checked her blood sugar 3 hours after she ate and it was 217. What should I do for my daughter? I think she may be a diabetic.

A:Mini pass out spells followed by vomiting could be a type of seizure. Your daughter should be evaluated by an EEG and a CT scan. A blood sugar level of 217 is quite high. However, diabetes in children usually presents in an acute manner and is seldom picked up on incidental blood sugar evaluation. Episodic passing out and vomiting is also not a manifestation of diabetes. Therefore I suggest you get a fasting and PP blood sugar and estimation of glycosylated Hb levels for your daughter. These tests should be evaluated by a pediatrician.