
Why is my 11 months old daughter's hair so dry and curly?

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: My daughter is 11 months old, her hair at this age is very rough and dry. They do not remain straight but keep curling. I give her a bath daily to make her hair straight but it has not helped. We stay in Saudi Arabia where the climate is hot so whenever she sleeps, she sweats a lot, which makes her hair curly. Here the water is a bit salty so whenever she takes a hot water bath her hair curl again and look dry and sticky. Please advise.

A:Your daughter hair problem may be that of Woolly hair syndrome or any other structural hair defect. For exact diagnosis, hair examination and skin biopsy of the scalp is required. Please consult a dermatologist in a good academic institution.