
Why is an injection given to a O negative mother?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: I am 28 years old and having O Negative blood group. After the first delivery (5 years back), I was given Rohalin injection within 24 hours of delivery. I am again 8 months pregnant. When should I go for Rohalin, now or after delivery? Does the administration of Rohalin has any benefit on the present baby or my health or it is only for future baby, if any? Is there any side effect of this?

A:Rhogam is generally given to protect the next baby from blood incompatibility in an O negative mother. In USA, it is given at about 28th week of pregnancy and then after childbirth. It has no benefit (as far as I know) to you or the baby you are carrying. I am not aware of any adverse effects. If one is allergic to any components of the Rhogam, that may be an issue, but since you did well the first time, you should be fine.