
Why have my son’s teeth decayed?

Dr Rakesh Malhotra
Consultant, Orthodontist,
Centre for Advanced Dentistry,
New Delhi

Q: My three years old son has three teeth in his upper jaw, which have become partially black. We just had preliminary check done by a doctor, who says that the teeth have decayed and according to him, having milk while sleeping could be the reason for tooth decay. The doctor though not convinced fully has asked us to take an X-ray for finding out the actual reason. I would not be able to take him to the X-ray centre for scanning as he would not cooperate at all. What steps do I need to take immediately for preventing any further damage to his teeth?

A:There is probably no need to get an x-ray done. A common reason for decay in small children (especially in front teeth) is the milk bottle being left in the mouth and the child sleeping with it. The permanent teeth may not necessarily be affected unless the child develops repeated infection in these teeth, which you will come to know if the child repeatedly complains of pain and swelling in that area.