Why hasn’t my vision been restored after cataract surgery?
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK
Q: I am a 72 years old man who underwent cataract surgery on my left eye four weeks back through the method of phacoemulsification where no stitch was used. But my vision has not been restored fully. Within four feet distance I can see everything clearly but beyond that the vision is hazy. The glass prescribed for this eye is –1 spherical and -1.5 axis at 80 degree. I am yet to use it. Seven years back my right eye was operated for the same problem by the same method and the vision was restored almost fully within an hour. Why hasn’t the full vision been restored this time?
A:Your phacoemulsification operation seems to be OK except this time you have been left slightly myopic or short sighted in this eye. This has been caused either by mistake or deliberately. Some surgeons plan this way so you can see close things without glasses with one eye and distance with the other. As a result you can manage without glasses if you wish.You should see better for long distance with the right eye, & better for close distance like reading etc. with the left eye. In any case, it is time now to get the glasses after test so you can use both eyes together.