
Why has my frequency of urinating increased?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: I am 50 years old. I am 5 feet 5 inches tall and I weigh 85 kg. I am suffering from hypertension. I work for 9 hours in a government office. I have certain personal problems, which I cant describe. I think a lot about my future, career, children and finance. I have undergone tests for lipid profile. My S. creatinine is 2.5. I am on Aten-50, Urimax-04mg, Zivast-10 and Zyloric. I feel tired. I have noticed that for the past 4 years the frequency of urine has increased. I feel like urinating within 20-30 minutes of drinking water. When I go out of the house I avoid drinking water. What could be the reason for this? I don't have any pain while urinating but I am not able to empty my bladder as the flow of urine is not as continuous as it should be.

A:Excessive urination may occur due to large urine output, anatomical small bladder capacity or functional reduction in bladder capacity. The latter may happen when one may not empty bladder completely. In presence of mild renal failure, as you have, one may lose concentrating ability of kidneys thus producing large quantity of urine. First step in your case would be to have a measure of your 24 hour fluid intake and the urine output by making a voiding diary. You also need to undergo an ultrasonography of kidneys and bladder to find residual urine, and excluding the possibility of functional reduction in bladder capacity. This would help your urologist zeroing down on the cause of urinary frequency. You, anyway, must see a nephrologist too. This is the right time to take precautionary steps to retard further damage of your kidneys.