
Why has my child's concentration level changed?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My daughter is 6.5 years old. She was a very methodical kid till she was about 5, but after that I have been noticing a lot of changes in her. What disturbs me the most is that she does not concentrate at what she is doing, be it at school or at her dance class. She is so absent-minded at times; she does not know what the teacher has said in class or what the other kids are doing? Please explain and also let me know if there are some exercises for improving concentration in kids?

A:You must look for the cause of your daughters getting absent minded. This kind of change does not happen for any reason. Maybe, you shifted house. Maybe she was separated from a loved grandparent. Maybe there is a new baby in the house. Or any other relevant event could have made her upset. Spend time playing with her and reading to her and let her tell you what is bothering her. Children are not generally absent minded, unless their reality calls for some escape. Find out more about what is absorbing her. Worry about her happiness rather than about her memory.