
Why doesn't my daughter like to go to the day care centre after her vacation?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: We recently returned from a brief vacation with my wife's family. My 2-year-old daughter was doted by the family the whole time. The problem is that my daughter, who loved day care before vacation, now loathes it. She screams and cries when we get her into the car to go to the day care. Once there, she screams and cries until my wife leaves. After my wife leaves, my daughter, who used to be normally very gregarious and helpful at the day care, now spends much time laying on her sleeping mat and very little time interacting with others. Is this normal for children to go through post-vacation depression? If so, what can we do for her? She seems fine when at home, its just when we take her to the day care, she behaves like this. Could there be something wrong, health wise?

A:Your daughter must have formed a close relationship with her grandparents and others. It is likely that she is missing them a lot. Give her a chance to talk to them on the phone and to be assured that they are there and missing her too.Perhaps on the first day after the holiday, she may have had a scrap with another child over a toy or been pushed around by a stronger child in the school. A two year old may not be developmentally ready for a great deal of interaction with children her age. They are often happier to be with adults. In all these behaviours, there is a wide variation and all children are not alike.Try and spend more time with her to reassure her that the world and the people around can still be trusted. If her problem persists, you may wish to contact her Paediatrician and ask his opinion. She will become herself, but gradually.