
Why does my son get fever so often?

Dr Anil Handoo
Consultant, Department of Haematology,
B L Kapoor Memorial Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 3 years old son is having high fever (104 degree F) for the last two days. His blood test showed leukocyte count as 32,500/, neutrophils - 86%, lymphocytes - 8%, monocytes - 6%, eosinophils & basophils - 0%, platelets - 4.03 lakhs, ESR - 47 mm (1st hour Westergren method), with reactive lymphocytes present and a CRP of 62.8 mg/L and no MP found. His urine test showed no pus cells and red blood cell (RBC). Last month also he had fever, which went up to 102/103 degree F and was given Paracetamol and Taxim -O and he was cured. What should be the line of treatment now?

A:From your description it is evident that your son was suffering from the acute bactreial infection. High TLC with neutrophilia and response to antibiotics are pointers to this. However, the reason to have bacterial infection needs investigation ,which hopefully the treating paediatrician would have taken care of. As far as the line of treatment is concerned, the antibiotic therapy needs completetion usually a week/10 days. However, this may be longer depending on the focus of infection. I would suggest to get in touch with your treating paediatrician to get the first hand information about the cause of bactreial infection and further modality of treatment. Also. you must discuss about about any preventive measures to be taken in future to prevent any recurrence.