
Why does my son enjoy dressing like a woman?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My son is 5 years old and is always thinking about girls. He likes wearing sarees and jewels. He also likes talking about pregnancy and all other women related things. Please tell me how to deal with my son? Is he normal?

A:Your son must have come upon his mother or aunt who is pregnant and is getting a lot of attention from everybody. It is only normal for children to imitate the adults in the home. He probably finds, rightly, that women and girls have more colourful clothes and pretty trinkets to wear than boys. If his father is available, he should tell him gently, that it is OK to play with sarees etc. but that boys tend to dress differently. If the father is not on the scene, any other man can tell him that. But there should be no mocking and teasing or humiliation of any kind. This is a passing phase and will go.It may also be a good opportunity to tell him that boys and girls are physically different. If there is a new baby in the house, he should be allowed to watch while the baby is being changed. Help him understand with kindness and gentleness.