
Why does my partner get rashes after having sex with me?

Prof (Dr) DM Thappa
Associate Professor and Head,
Dermatology and STD Department, JIPMER,

Q: I am 26 years old. I have been dating a 32-year-old man. After having sex, he breaks out into rashes around his genitals and inner legs and any place that comes in contact with my body fluids. The rashes keep coming back. The rashes are accompanied with itching. I have been tested for all STDs and the results were negative. What is wrong with me?

A:It is possible that he may probably be getting some allergic material from your vaginal genital secretions. It is possible that you may be using some chemical douching of vagina or your vaginal secretions as such may be allergenic for that individual. Possibility of contact urticaria to genital secretions cannot be ruled out. If he is using a condom as a protective measure, it is possible that he may be developing allergy from that. Sometime, people use Dettol or Savlon to clean after the sex to avoid STDs or as a method of cleanliness; this may also lead to local allergic reaction. You may find an answer to these questions, in consultation with a dermatologist.