
Why does my husband lose his eye sight intermittently?

Dr Rishi Mohan
Consultant Ophthalmologist, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My 46 years old husband lost his vision in his left eye all of a sudden. After an hour, his vision started coming back but gradually. By that time, he was taken into the emergency room and later consulted the eye specialist. He could read the eye chart, even though the vision was a bit blurry. But last night, he again lost his eyesight in the same eye and it has been like that for about one and a half days now. This time there has been less improvement than there was the first time it happened. The doctor thought it was a stroke, glaucoma and central retinal artery occlusion (CRAO). What could it possibly be? Now, my husband is taking Combigan and Aspirin to thin his blood. He is a diabetic, but he hasn't had any problems. In fact, his doctors have been talking about lowering the medicines because of his progress in losing weight and maintaining diabetes well. Please advise.

A:The symptoms described generally fit those of CRAO. The first episode may have been a vascular spasm or/an embolus that dislodged and passed into peripheral vessels. Since, it has recurred, the patient must be reviewed by the doctors again. Also to be considered is an inflammation in the nerve (optic neuritis).