
Why does my daughter wink frequently?

Dr Arun Mishra
Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, UK

Q: My daughter is 6 years old. She has developed a habit of winking frequently. I took her to an eye specialist, who gave the Allergan drops. Since the problem continued, I visited him again and he said that she might be suffering from some kind of allergy. My daughter had some kind of breathing problem and was sneezing continuously, though she did not have cold. So he added another drops Cromal Forte to his earlier prescription and gave a syrup for allergy. But after using these things for 10 days, the problem still continues. Now the status of her problem is that she has frequent eye winking, breathing problem and sneezing. The breathing problem started after second consultation. I stopped all the medicines 4 days back. What should I do now?

A:Your daughter seems to have an allergy to something after which she has developed a habit of frequent winking. This is not serious and there is no medical cause for this but you must discourage her from winking. Try to reassure her that there is nothing wrong with her. Show your love and ask her to wash her eyes frequently to get rid of her allergen, but cromal forte drops may have to be used on a regular basis for months and sometimes for years. Discourage her to rub eyes as well and eventually she will grow out of it. For breathing difficulties, you should consult a paediatrician who may consider anti-allergy treatment.