
Why does my daughter remain silent in school?

Dr Renu Kishore
Reader, Department of Psychology,
Daulat Ram College,
Delhi University

Q: My daughter is 2 years and 10 months old. She studies in baby nursery. She is going to the school for the past 4-5 months. Initially, she was very cranky at school, but now she doesn't cry to go to school. Her teacher and the van driver told me that she doesn't speak at all in school. She is doing this for the past 2 months. I was admitted to the hospital for a weeks time for a hernia surgery, I thought it is because of this. But it has been almost 2 months that she is like this in school. At home she is perfectly fine, she talks, sings and dances. But when I ask her anything about school, she doesn't have much to tell. The teachers in her school are quite friendly. How should I handle this situation?

A:Though social norms in our country make it common to send a 2 year old to school, it can prove to be traumatic for the child. Since the child is still in the process of establishing a secure attachment with the mother figure, it can result in separation anxiety and insecurity. In the case of your daughter, it seems that she is not enjoying the school atmosphere. Absence of crying or cranky behaviour does not mean that she has adjusted. Added to it is your own illness and hospitalisation.You should try to talk to her and understand her feelings. Try to assess if there is something that is making her afraid at school, if there is something about other children or any teacher that upsets her. Change of school can be considered if you can find any concrete reason.On your part, you should try and make her feel secure that you love and accept her as she is, and that you are in good health now. Spend more quality time with her. Some children are talkative at home but quiet at school. If she is happy and active, maybe there is nothing to worry. Thebest policy is to wait and watch. If things do not improve, you can consult a child psychologist for psychological evaluation and help.