
Why does my child write numbers and alphabets in the reverse direction?

Dr S Anandalakshmy
Advisor on Child Development & Education,

Q: My son is five years old. He is very sharp and understands everything well and is also pretty good in his studies. My issue is that I have observed that he has a tendency to write some numbers and alphabets in the reverse direction for eg., P with the semicircle on the left instead of right side, d as b, number 7 like an upside down L and so on. Is it some kind of disorder or lack of concentration?

A:Your son is doing very well for a 5 year old. It is very natural to laterally invert letters and numbers. He will grow out of it soon. If it persists for another two years you would need to check it out again. Sometimes, children who tend to be left handed and are forced to be right handed, invert their p and d.I would not call it a disorder. Neither would I term it a lack of concentration. Just relax. We all learn by trial and error and trial and success. Don't push your child for his development. Let him do it gradually, as he grows up. Let him have fun and fantasy along with school and enjoy his childhood. Parents too can enjoy the childhood of their children if they involve themselves with the process of the childs development, rather than the products of it.