
Why does my child have swelling in the scrotum?

Dr Anurag Krishna
Director of Paediatrics and Paediatric Surgery,
Max Institute of Paediatrics,
Max Healthcare Institute, New Delhi

Q: My son was born through a caesarean 2 years ago. PUJ obstruction was detected in his left kidney after his birth. He was operated for it last year and obstruction was removed. DTPA and DMSA testing were done which shows only 20-25% functioning of the left kidney. The left kidney is also smaller than right one. Functioning of right kidney is perfect though. We take him for a monthly testing of his urine and culture. Till now everything is fine. My son does not have any problem as such but sometimes he gets a swelling in his left scrotum. Is the swelling in the scrotum due to left kidney? Some doctors say that it may be hernia. Will his kidney grow as he grows? What precautions should we take?

A:This does look like a hernia, which will need an operation for cure. This has nothing to do with the PUJ obstruction. Yes, the operated kidney will grow as the child grows, but it will never have normal function. There are no precautions to be taken and your child can have an absolutely normal lifestyle. There is no need of getting urine tests done every month. Urine should be examined only if your child has a fever.