
Why does my child have a difficulty in burping?

Dr Vidya Gupta
Consultant Paediatrician & Neonatologist,
Indraprastha Apollo Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: I have a three month old baby boy and he has always had a hard time burping. Its really a struggle for him to burp. I give him oval, water and gripe water but it takes us a long time to make him burp. At times he is really hungry that he starts sucking his hands but as soon as I put him on my breast he starts crying until he has burped. Do you have any suggestions?

A:Some babies are troublesome when it comes to burping. Keep trying to burp the baby and try different positions, sitting with the baby on your knee or standing with baby on your shoulder are the two usual positions. Sometimes breast fed babies do not burp. Do not be too concerned about not burping.