
Why does my child have a bluish tinge all over the body?

Dr Satish Saluja
Consultant Neonatologist,
Sir Ganga Ram Hospital,
New Delhi

Q: My son is 14 days old. He has developed a faint bluish tinge all around his lips, which becomes more prominent after breast feeding or crying. Last evening his foot which is normally pinkish also had a purplish tinge. Before being discharged from the hospital, he was kept completely wrapped up at a temp of 27 degree Celsius. At home we are keeping a light cloth over and above his normal clothes and he sleeps within a mosquito net under a ceiling fan. Is this blue tinge something to worry about? Can this be any kind of cyanosis? Our paediatrician observed no murmur noises from baby's heart and his other activities are normal like feeding, urine and stool. His birth weight was 2.89 kg. He seldom burps there were occasional cases of spitting out milk after feeds.

A:If it is only bluishness of the hand and feet and around lips especially if the hands and feet are cold, it may be normal. Does the baby look very pink, which could also cause this. Make sure baby is kept warm and fed frequently but if the baby remains blue in spite of this and more so the central part get in touch with you pediatrician for further investigations. Burping is not a must, so relax.