
Why does my baby feel hungry so often?

Dr Sangeeta Saxena
Assistant Commissioner (Child Health), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Govternment of India

Q: My month old baby feels hungry even after half an hour of breastfeeding. He takes enough milk but still cries for more. Last week, the doctor said that he has low weight. His weight is 3.1 kg and height is 56 cm. Does he have worms in his stomach? Please advise.

A:The weight is fine. There are a few points of concern: Is the baby gaining weight?Do you burp the baby after every feed? If not, please do. The baby should leave the breast of his own accord, you should not take him off. Please keep the baby in the same room, even the same bed as the mother. Feed on demand, that is whenever the baby cries out for feed. Feed the baby 8-10 times a day, even throughout the night.Please keep the baby warm and well covered, specially the head. Also, keep the baby well cleaned after each motion and wetting. Take care of the baby well in this respect. The mother has to take in nearly 3000 cal diet per day to adequately breastfeed. The baby needs nothing else other than the mother's breastmilk, which is the best food for the bay for the first six months of life.