
Why do teeth discolour and what can be done?

DoctorNDTV Team

Q: Wouldn’t it be nice to look better feel younger with better white sparkly teeth? What can I do for it?

A:Why do teeth discolour?Discoloration of teeth is either external[coffee ,tea, wine ,saffron in food etc] or internal[due to fluoride in water ,use of antibiotics in childhood e.g: tetracycline],trauma leading to nerve death, or due to genetic factors/conditions that affect enamel and/or dentin or plain age –related.If you are unhappy with the colour or state of your front teeth—veneers might be for you. Doc: What happens and what do I do?A] Have your dentist diagnose your problem.B If indicated a wafer –thin porcelain/composite veneer will be advised for a few or many teeth after slight removal of your enamel—0.5-1.5mm.C] Your dentist will then take a measurement and colour-match your teeth.C]He will then send it to a competent laborarory which will then design and make a beautiful, life-like set of veneer based on his instructions.D] Your dentist will then cement them onto your teeth with a special cement[also tooth coloured] and voila –you now have a fresh new smile.Doc: What is better composite or a porcelain veneer?A composite veneer needs less tooth-reduction, is shorter –lived and can discolour a bit more easilyA porcelain veneer is more colour-stable and longer-lasting But more expensive..Doc; What precautions do I have to take ??Avoid exceptionally hard foods e.g: toblerone from the fridge and come chikki.No contact sport for you either.Maintain excellent oral hygiene by brushing twice daily with a fluoride[preferable unless otherwise contraindicated],floss regularly.Visit your dentist regularly. Remember: An ounce of prevention is better thatn a pound of cure.