
Why do my eyes pain on waking up?

Dr Anuj Sharma
Faculty member, Department of Family Medicine,
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,

Q: I am a 49 years old female. I had undergone total hysterectomy three years back. I get pain on opening my eyes in the morning when I wake up. I feel the pain is behind my eyeball. Usually this subsides after blinking for some time. During daytime I don't have any pain. I went to an eye specialist and he has prescribed me different kinds of eye drops. At first they thought it is dry eyes. Then I am told that it is some sort of allergy. I am not finding these eyes drops useful. They did all kinds of tests and said my eyes are okay. Please suggest a solution to my problem.

A:I am not sure why you had hysterectomy. Were your ovaries taken out? Are you taking any replacement hormones? How much water do you drink every day? The possibilities of your symptoms are many.The eye doctor was a good place to start. Since the eyes are OK the next place to look may be your sinuses. Some times chronic sinus inflammation can cause pain behind eye balls. A quick way to look at sinuses is a head/sinus CT. That way you also get your brain looked at. If there is any pathology there, it will show up on the CT scan. In the mean time make an effort to drink atleast 6-8 glasses (8oz) of water, and see if your symptoms improve.