Why do my blood sugar levels increase when I am under tension?
Prof of Medicine and Head of Endocrinology,
Maulana Azad Medical College,
New Delhi
Q: I am 51 years old. My sugar levels had gone upto 134 (fasting) and 159 (postprandial) few months ago. During that time I was under extreme stress. Doctor advised me to go for a regular walk for 45 minutes everyday and to control my diet. I consume low fat and complex carbohydrate containing diet and exercise regularly. I consume moderate amount of liquor twice in a week and smoke 4-5 cigarettes everyday. Last month my sugar levels read 117 (fasting) and 126 (postprandial). I experience high sugars whenever I am under tension. However, I was not advised any medical treatment. Kindly diagnose my problem. What should I do to avoid future complications?
A:As per World Health Organisation's (WHO) classification (1985) this condition is known as potential diabetes mellitus (DM), with the following implications:1. Chances of getting diabetes mellitus are high (about 2% every year).2. Chances of getting macrovascular complications like involvement of blood vessel (atherosclerosis) are like DM, but microvascular involvement (eyes, kidneys and nerves) are much less.3. Management point of view - frequent blood glucose monitoring that is every three months and lifestyle modifications are enough.You are doing fine, just stick to the healthy diet, exercise and take alcohol occasionally not twice a week.