
Why do minor things scare me?

Dr (Mrs) Mina Bobdey
Counsellor, Educator & Psychiatrist,
Jehangir Hospital,

Q: I am a 24 years old male. I feel very scared for each and everything, even if the matter is trivial. Small unnecessary things also scare me and my heart starts beating fast. This has been happening to me for the last one month and it is also affecting my love and professional life. How should I overcome my fears?

A:Sorry to hear about your trouble. From the little description it seems a form of anxiety which is bothering you, difficult to say why, as it is going on for a month, may be some acute stress, lifestyle change or something which is bothering you has become more severe now, could be one of the explanation.

To find the solution which would bring relief, please look at your lifestyle - drink plenty of water 2-3 litres/day, nourishing diet, physical and mental exercise, spend time with your family, take up a creative hobby and reduce smoking (if you smoke), consumption of alcohol (if you do), tea and coffee intake. Eat a banana around midmorning. All this will help tackle anxiety, and if still remains a problem, please consult a counsellor or a psychiatrist who can do fuller assessment and come to routes of the problem.