
Why do I pass gas from vagina?

Prof Mini Sood
Associate Professor, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology,
University Technology Mara,

Q: I am 33 years old single woman. Whenever I feel going to the toilet, I release some gas from my anus, which is understandable. But, the problem is I seem to be releasing a lot of gas from my vagina quite frequently, even when I don't need to go to the toilet. It is quite embarrassing during my office hours. I do not consume potatoes or starchy foods except whole meal bread, which I take for breakfast and lunch. I eat lots of vegetables and drink around 1.5 litres water everyday. What could possibly be wrong with me?

A:Visit a gynaecologist and your check up done to make sure there is no hole between the anus and vagina. If there is none, then a small quantity of gas passing is nothing to worry about, as it maybe quite normal. Changing the diet to a high fibre one may help as well. Eating more grains, bran, oats, brown rice and fruits and vegetables.