
Why do I have swelling near my testicles?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: I am a 45 years old man diagnosed with tubercular epididymitis two years back. I had a little lump near testicles and after doing biopsy it was detected to be due to tubercular epididymitis. After that I continued AKT 4 and AKT 3 for 9 months as told by the doctor. Later the doctor after checking told me that I am fine. Recently I feel that the lump area is again little swollen. The doctor told me that tubercular epididymitis should not be back as I have completed the full course. Please advise.

A:Swelling or a small mass may remain in epididymis despite having no bacterial activity after completing the treatment for tubercular epididymitis. It may happen more in cases who have calcification in the lesion. Local examination, ultrasound of the lesion and a repeat fine needle aspiration of the mass are in order to make sure that there is no recurrent activity in the area. If the mass persists, surgical removal (epididymectomy) may be desirable.