
Why do I have lack of stream and poor urine formation?

Dr Rajesh Ahlawat
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity

Q: I am a 45 years old male. I have the following symptoms: insufficient urine formation, lack of pressure in the urinary bladder, consistent mild pain upper left abdomen, mild pain (on and off) in the lower back, lack of appetite, acidity/heartburn while eating, mild sweating, no burning sensation, no incontinence and getting up 2-3 times during night to urinate. What is my problem?

A:Symptoms of lack of stream and poor urine information with some night frequency need further evaluation. You need to have a check on your renal functions. The most important thing for you to do is to make a voiding diary (timing and volume of each void over 24 hours). This will give the true measure of urine volume and would be able to answer your concern. If you have frequency and void small amount at each time, yet total volume in 24 hours could be normal with normal renal functions. You should also undergo a uro-flowmetry test, which gives a true measure of urine force and excludes any obstruction in urine passage. You also need to have your appetite, heartburn and low back ache sorted out. All these could be very non specific yet may be indicator of a chronic disease process. A trip to a physician would be worthwhile.