Why do I have burning sensation while passing urine?
Division of Urology and Renal Transplantation
Medanta Kidney and Urology Institute
Medanta, the Medicity
Q: I am 43 years old male. For the last 2-4 weeks, I have burning sensation while passing urine. It is there even when I am not passing urine. There is no pain though. My doctor suggested to undergo a urine test and after seeing the report, he told me that there is no problem. The report says: Physical examination: Qty - 10 ml, Colour - Pale Yellow, Appearance - Clear, Reaction - Acidic, Specific Gravity - 1015. Chemical Examination: Albumin - Nil, Sugar - Nil, Acetone - Nil, Bile Pigments - Nil, Blood-Nil. Microscopic Examination: Red Blood cells - Nil, Pus Cells (per hpf) 1-2, Epithelial Cells - A few, Casts, Crystals - Nil, Amorphous Material, Mucous Threads, Trichomonas vaginalis - Absent. He prescribed me some syrup, which has to be taken with water, and tablets namely Ranac SP and Oxamed Tab 200 mg for 5 days. But the problem still continues. What action has to be taken?
A:As it appears you are having burning at tip of penis as well as scrotum unrelated to act of micturition. It is persisting all the time. Your doctor investigated you for urinary tract infection (UTI) by testing urine, which is negative. He has also prescribed you some urinary alkaliser and antibiotics, presuming it to be UTI, which it is unlikely to be since symptoms with UTI would be limited to the time of passing urine and not persist all the time. Some local condition like genital herpes, or inflammation or allergic condition of the glans is more likely to cause such persisting symptoms. You need to have a physical examination, after which some serology (blood) tests may be required.